Code of conduct 
The Water Polo Club exists for the benefit of the players, to develop their skill in swimming and to instil a code of behaviour that will carry them forward with credit.
To create the atmosphere and example necessary to achieve this objective the following code of conduct will be adopted.
At training sessions it is expected that they will:
- endeavour to attend at least 75% of their sessions
- arrive in good time for the beginning of the session with all necessary equipment in good order
- spend time prior to a session preparing for the session by doing flexibility exercises
- put every effort into the training sessions and avoid short cutting or missing sections by toilet excuses etc.
- always consult their coach if they arrive late, wish to leave early, feel unwell etc.
- pay attention to the coach when he/she is talking to them
- keep up with the activities of the Club by reading the notice board and consulting coaches/officials
- generally act in a responsible manner at all times
At all match’s it is expected that players will:
- arrive at the venue in plenty of time for the warm up and immediately join their team group
- remain at all times throughout the match with their team group unless they have agreed with the team manager a reason to leave the poolside
- provide encouragement and support to fellow team members.
Parents / Guardians
At training sessions it is expected that they will:
- ensure that the players get to training sessions in good time
- keep in touch with the Club activities, through notice boards and Club officials
- direct any queries to Club Officials or Coaches, when not involved in training sessions
- where queries are unresolved, request the issue be raised with the Committee
- wherever possible, offer assistance in Club activities
- promote a responsible and disciplined attitude
At all match’s it is expected they will:
- get players to the match venue in good time
- remain in the spectator area, whilst in the pool hall, unless requested to assist encourage players to remain with the team group
Coaches & Of ficials
At all times it is expected that they will:
- arrive in good time to organise and control their activities
- meet the commitments they make to the Club
- be supportive of the agreed Club policies
- be prepared to assist players and their Parents/Guardians in any queries they may have and carry forward to the Committee any issues they are unable to resolve
- display a disciplined and sporting attitude and help to promote the same from the players