
Membership Cost Calculator

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Club Train

Club Compete

Special Categories

South Derbyshire Water Polo Club bank details:

  • Sort Code: 30-92-59
  • Account: 02582517

Reference for yearly membership= Mem (initial and Surname of member) eg Mem J Blogs

Reference for monthly sessions= Fee (initial and Surname of member) eg Fee J Blogs

Definitions and Membership Requirements

There are two types of fees associated with the club:

Membership Fees – When you join the club, and then every January, we ask for a single payment to cover membership fees, which are broken down as follows:

  • Swim England Membership, which is mandatory and provides insurance and other benefits for members (Learn more). This fee is paid once a year in January, with a discounted rate of half price available for those joining after 1st October. Members affiliated with another aquatic club are required to pay this fee only once. We complete the registration on your behalf unless you are a member of another club or you specifically request to handle it yourself.
  • SDWP Membership, a fee collected from members to support the operational costs of the club. This fee is also paid once a year in January via BACS transfer, with a discounted rate of half price available for those joining after 1st October.

Monthly Training Fees – These fees cover the cost of training sessions and are paid each month via standing order (Set up by you). They are due regardless of the number of sessions attended or run.

Anyone who is actively involved in the club must be registered with Swim England in one of the following categories:

Club Train – Traditionally known as a Category One player, these are players who train and compete in local events, such as tournaments with fewer than eight teams, and local leagues that do not culminate in a national final (Learn more).

Club Compete – Traditionally known as a Category Two player, these are players who train at regional events, play in the national league, or participate in programmes such as the external Swim England Talent Programme (Learn more).

Club Support – Volunteers who do not train or play games, they must have Swim England membership.

Juniors – Under 18 players may train once a week. Players under 16 must start at Moorways. Players over 16 years old cannot train at Moorways and must transition to Monday sessions at Repton, as directed by the coaching team.

Intermediate – Under 18 players invited to train twice a week at Repton School with the seniors.

Students – Over 18 and in full-time education. Students can train at Repton School on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Seniors – Over 18 and not in full-time education. Seniors can train at Repton School on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Player Head Coaches – Players who hold the position of Head Coach and take on significant coaching responsibilities, often leading sessions they would otherwise have participated in as players. They are eligible for discounted training fees. 

Guest PlayerGuest Player – Must be a member of another club and registered with Swim England. They may attend up to three complimentary training sessions before being required to pay per session. Guest players often help us field stronger teams, particularly at away matches. If playing a home game, they are required to pay a match fee. Guest players must also become members of the club before playing games but are not required to pay the membership fee.

Trial Players – Any individual utilising the three free trial sessions. Players under 16 must complete their trial sessions at Moorways pool. All other trials are held on Mondays at Repton. Player and club insurance is provided by Swim England for up to three free sessions, after which they must join the club if they wish to continue (Join here). 

Detailed Membership Information


CategoryClub TrainClub Compete
Swim England Fees£23.75£46.95
SDWP (all members)£45.00£45.00


CategoryClub TrainClub Compete
Swim England Fees£23.75£46.95
SDWP (all members)£22.00£22.00

Monthly Subscription

  • Seniors per month: £30.00
  • Intermediate / Students: £25.00
  • Juniors (attending Moorways only): £20.00
  • Head coach discounted rate: £22.50


  • Swim England Membership fee: £19.20 once a year paid in January
  • SDWP membership cost: Free, but must be registered with the club

Guest Player Fees

  • Guest player rate per training session: £8.00
  • Guest player match fee (home games only): £5.00

Ready to Join Our Club?
Then Fill out the
SDWP Club Membership Form